Education will increase the opportunities a candidate may have to be hired as a career fire fighter. Valuable educational experience is not limited to any one specific area of study. Leaders in the fire service will find value in a broad range of educational experiences including studies in Fire Protection Technology, Emergency Medical Technologies, Emergency Management, Emergency Communications, and Fire and Medical Administration. This said, leaders in the fire service recognize that there is a need for individuals that have studied in all types of education programs and value can be recognized in areas such as Education, Science, Communication, Business, Social Sciences and most other educational fields. The candidate that understands the fire service and the expectations placed on those serving as emergency responders must learn to understand and relate their personal educational experiences to the experiences of those in emergency response fields. Working in diverse groups, committing to the success of a team, integrity, perseverance and dedication to the mission of an organization are examples of how educational opportunities provide individuals with valuable experiences that shape strong candidates for public service.
There are many educational resources in the Northwest and many provide assistance though grants, scholarships, internships, networking with faculty and connections to the emergency response industry. Online courses have made the pursuit of education much more accessible but the cost and time to pursue a degree can be overwhelming. Colleges and Universities recognize the significant commitment individuals must make and have made significant efforts to provide a broad range of support to students from all walks of life. If you are interested in seeking an education as part of your effort to serve the public as an emergency responder, the Council will provide connections to the individuals at educational institutions that can assist Candidates with their educational and career goals.
The Oregon Promis Grant Can help cover tuition cost at any Oregon community college. Oregon Promise Grant | Oregon Student Aid
High School Programs
Hillsboro School District
Hillsboro, Oregon
This two-year program open to juniors and seniors, allows students to explore a care in the emergency services; Firefighting and EMS
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Salem-Keizer School District
Salem, Oregon
Allows students to explore a care in the emergency services; Firefighting and EMS. Completing this program makes students eligible to sit for the EMT Basic Certification exam
Cascadia tech Academy
Vancouver, Washington
This two-year program open to juniors and seniors, allows students to explore a care in the emergency services
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College Programs
Central oregon Community College
bend, Oregon
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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Chemeketa Community College
Salem, Oregon
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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Clackamas Community College
Oregon city, Oregon
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Wildland Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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Clatsop Community College
astoria, Oregon
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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klamath Community College
klamath falls, Oregon
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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Portland Community College
Portland, Oregon
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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southwestern Community College
coos bay, Oregon
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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umpqua Community College
roseburg, Oregon
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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bates technical College
tacoma, washington
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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everett Community College
everett, washington
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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skagit valley College
mount vernon, washington
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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spokane community College
spokane, washington
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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walla walla community College
walla wall, washington
Offers credited and non-credit courses in Firefighting as we all Emergency Medical Services
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